Let’s start with the basics.
De acuerdo con las guías alimentarias para estadounidenses 2020-2025, un plan de alimentación saludable:
- Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk products.
- Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts.
- Is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars.
- Emphasizes foods that are rich in nutrients and focuses less on "taking away bad foods."
Everything the guidelines recommend belong in our basic food groups.
How to shop for healthy foods
These "real" foods tend to have a shorter shelf life and are found in easy-to-access sections of the grocery store: the outer aisles and against the walls.
Items shelved on the inner aisles of the grocery store typically last longer because they've been more processed. This is where you'll usually find foods with added sugars, chemicals, and unwanted fats, along with more nutrient-empty foods - also known as "ultra processed."
If you started shopping “outside the aisles” and steer clear of what is being sold inside the aisles, you’re well on your way to healthier eating.
Tips and tricks for eating healthy
Change your focus.
Cuando cambie lo que come, no piense en lo que se está perdiendo. Instead, think about all the new things you're trying and strive to eat as many colors as possible (natural colors; not processed).
Get fresh, frozen, or canned fruits.
Una fruta es una fruta. Si no es algo que normalmente está en su dieta, comenzar e alguna manera es excelente. No se presione. ¡También puede encontrar frutas más exóticas en su versión congelada! Pruebe un poco de kiwi y de mango. Si compra frutas enlatadas, las más saludables vienen conservadas en agua o en su propio jugo.
Get fresh, frozen, or canned vegetables.
Los frijoles congelados saberán diferente de los enlatados. ¿Cuáles son sus favoritos? Agregue hierbas y especias, y mezcle con otras verduras. Compre algo que nunca haya visto antes. You can steam, sauté, or roast vegetables. Y quizás descubra que le gustan sus nuevas verduras sin agregar nada en lo absoluto. Comprométase a probar nuevas verduras cada semana.
Read the ingredients before buying.
Can you identify most of the ingredients? Si puede identificarlos a todos, ¡mucho mejor! The longer the list of ingredients, the more likely it is processed and thus packed with more sodium, fats, or chemicals.
Try healthier versions of the recipes you already love.
If you love fried fish or chicken, try baking it with panko bread crumbs next time, or even air frying it. Instead of a fatty red meat, replace it with lean ground turkey. La crema agria, ¿es su salsa favorita? Switch it up with plain fat-free Greek yogurt and dill.
Tips for comfort food:
- Eat comfort foods in smaller amounts and less often. Si, por lo general, usted las come cinco noches a la semana, reduzca a dos noches por semana y luego a una.
- Corte sus porciones y agregue verduras para compensar.
- If they are made with an in-the-aisle box, try making it from scratch.
- Jazz up your recipes with your newly discovered, healthier options.
- Use leche descremada en lugar de crema.
- Agregue tomates, espinaca fresca o aceitunas.
- Take out vegetable oil and replace it with a healthier one, like avocado or olive oil.
Comer saludable se trata de crear una versión más saludable de usted, una fruta pequeña a la vez. Un día, mirará hacia atrás y se sorprenderá de los muchos pequeños ajustes que hizo para comer saludable y estar saludable.